Together with international procurement team, completed As Is and To Be Assessment, comparing existing practices with world leading procurement practices. 

Assessed procurement practices and cross functional team work across the company identified gaps to world class and needed practical actions to close gaps and add value in short, medium and long term.

Assessed key dimensions of world class procurement including cross functional team work, negotiation skills, strategy, organisation, leadership behaviour, data, market intelligence, supplier selection & SRM and Sales and Operations Planning.

Delivered practical Business Plan that is being used to secure capabilities are developed and increased profits delivered.


Coaching procurement leaders and implementing effective cross functional teams.

Focus on increasing the capabilities and motivation of procurement leaders, their teams and cross functional teams.

1-2-1 mentoring of procurement leaders on personal development and world class procurement practices. Objective is to raise capabilities of your procurement leaders, enabling them to deliver more while being more motivated.

Practical and tailored coaching for procurement leaders, based on 25 years+ of hands on experience of leading procurement transformations, regional and global procurement teams as well as cross functional teams. 


Assessment of current tool box and implementation of new tools that will impact the bottom line.

Working with international procurement organisation, assessed current tool box against best practice and implemented new tools that positively impacted profitability.

Want to assess if your team have access and use the best practical tools to impact profitabilty? Procurement is not rocket science, more about finding simple practical tools and making sure they are used effectively. 

Effective use of pragmatic procurement tools will increase motivation and profitability. My aim is to increase the capabilities, motivation and value add of your procurement employees as well as those in your cross functional teams.